East Midlands Eakring footwall - Highland Geology Limited
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East Midlands Eakring footwall

Here’s an instance of a lead we recognise, it could mature into a substantial target.

Eakring footwall south of Rufford is untested, it has potential traps in two separate footwall duplexes.

The risk is whether sideseal is effective on Eakring Fault, green. The -146 well drilled through conglomerates in the hangingwall and reported no shows.  If lateral seal exists with the conglomerates tight in the hangingwall, and if there has been late Tertiary oil access to the footwall from Welbeck Low to immediate west, as happened at Hardstoft, its possible the play could work.

This seismic from UKOGL presentation 41689 of 1986 is not “poor quality”. An extensional duplex modified by Variscan inversion on the fault drawn in red is evident, which reverses displacement on the lower-dip Eakring-Foston, breaking down the footwall where the EF becomes steep. The red ramp creates the Rufford structure. Rufford-1 well terminated at top of Dinantian limestone (orange), the Lower Carboniferous has a bigger duplex, untested.